Senin, 22 April 2013

some thoughts this night

It started when I received text from Erika yesterday "Pi, download o whatsapp". I didn't replay her message because my number was out of active, hahahaa. Then, in twitter Sekar sent me message which was same as  Erika's. And not longer, Sista's turn sent the same message. I became so curious what they all discussed in whatsapp. Sekar said their discussion was so funny "itin i lho pi marai ngakak goro2 semlohay" haha. Formerly, I was ok with my cell phone that didn't have android OS. Then I became so curious whats interesting about whatsapp. I did googling what it was about and what kind of cell phone that can operate that application. Android, BB, iphone, windows phone were required to operate that application. Then I became so interested to browse that kind of cell phone. Lil bit wanted to buy that cell phone, but where the money came from. I want to save little by little but I don't earn money at all. moreover I also want to buy coloring pencils and carboon pencil. Lil bit ashame to ask from my parents.
I want to earn money, but how?. MLM? reselling? -___-" I don't have interest at them. I love drawing, crafting, recycling. Aaaaah if I could sell all of them. moreover I only can draw (itu juga g bagus2 amet, mana ada yg mau beli). aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want to earn money >,<